CAUSA 628 Domino – Complete Scene

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And once again, another classic CAUSA moment captured on video. That moment when a str8 guy is rimmed for the first time in his life: “Is he? Naaahh… Oh, shit!”


I’ve not seen that face since Nate’s first time being rimmed.


The moments we remember, forever. 🙂

This was bi-racial (Dominican & African American) Domino’s first foray into any sort of butt play — neither alone or with a partner. So, this was definitely a first-time sexperience for him.

‘Twas interesting to watch his responses to such, both face down & face up. I noted a reflexive grimace just in anticipation of potential penetration. As a result, throughout you will see Domino go from that reflexive posture into newly discovered pleasure.


CB ~ Casey Black ~ Messing. With. TexAZ. ©



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